Meddlesome has joined 90% of the rest of the nation with her New Year's resolution to shed some inches. Disclaimer: For those who don't know of Meddlesome's tendencies, she begins every new undertaking with 110% gusto; it's quite admirable to hear her speak of her passions and beliefs in whatever cause she's behind. But then something (usually pretty minor) happens along the way that completely derails Meddlesome and just like that, Meddlesome is back to her usual ways.
I am SO not hating on Meddlesome right now - in fact, I am really proud of her and am totally rooting for her because she is going about this the right way. In the past Meddlesome has dropped poundage by going cold turkey on food. I've always envied her ability to function at work on no food. Anyway I digress. So this time around, Meddlesome is on the Zone diet and has started working out. GASP. DOUBLE GASP. Sweating and meddlesome do not belong in the same sentence.
But I sense she might have reached a tipping she waited for her yoga class to begin, she observed that the turbo kickboxing class currently in process looked super fun. There was just one slight problem...the instructor was fat. Now I didn't see the instructor myself so I'm taking Meddlesome's word when she says the insructor was "disgusting." And as I began to get on my soapbox and lecture Meddlesome that you don't have to be thin to be healthy, I did it okay for an aerobics instructor to be aesthetically unappealing? Especially considering that most people are working out to look good more than feel good...can an overweight instructor be motivating?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
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Ok, think Alice from the Brady bunch teaching kickboxing ... or the aunt from Sabrina the witch...bur worse.... the body just wasn't a bit attractive. It was just very very very round and squat. And her arms were so jiggly and extremely red (splotchy) because she was boxing so aggressively (I do give her much props for the high energy that she displayed. Ok, think of your fattest coworker/friend giving you diet/eating tips. Uh yeah. Thank you for understanding. I cannot take any exercising class from someone that does not look like she benefits from it. No thanks.
Alice from the Brady Bunch? How in the heck did you come up with that one?! You are too much.
The answer is no. A fat person cannot be motivating as any kind of fitness instructor. Period.
If Hooters can hire only dumb girls with big breasts, fitness establishments can hire only fit instructors.
Oh... I don't know.
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