Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 is off to a TROYmendous start!

I just shamefully stole "TROYmendous" from an espn.com headline. But I am sure if I hadn't seen that headline, I'd have come up with it myself. After all, after marketing family DVDs for 2 1/2 years, I am the queen of corny puns. Think "ogre the top" corny...

Anyway - WOOT WOOT big ups to the Men of Troy. Thanks for bringing me such overwhelming joy. What a Troyriffic way to ring in the new year!


Jemifus said...

Your overuse of puns is Troysgusting.

Wendy Mihm said...

Troy me you didn't just use "Woot Woot" as an exclamation of your troymendous excitement.