Where am I going with this you ask? Well the interesting thing is the woman is cute but not drop-dead gorgeous. She's definitely no Amanda Peet. Her personality is not so captivating to me either. And yet she was able to snag this crazy sugar daddy. So Meddlesome naturally pondered why she never meets men like this? After all, she's attractive, financially independent, intelligent and totally has a guy's sense of humor (e.g. she loves movies like Jackass and can't get enough of Tucker Max). Who wouldn't want to date her?
Well, I think I have a solution for Meddlesome and all the other ladies and gents looking for Millionaire Singles, a dating site for single millionaires, and men and women looking to meet them. Here's the thing though, I believe the intention of the website is good. There's no trickery to be had. The people are honest about their money expectations for a mate. But I think you're going to still have to do a lot of your own legwork in order to meet the right person among the "Date a Millionaire" members. Based on what I've seen, I'm gong to guess that most of the singles on the site are looking for the millionaires...but hey, if it weren't for this website and you aren't yourself a millionaire, how else would you meet a millionaire...especially a millionaire that's not married?! I mean, can it get any easier than this millionaire dating website?
Meddlesome, I hope you give it a shot and leave insightful comments about your experience. I'm sure a lot of folks would be interested to hear about it!
This post is sponsored by "Date a Millionaire".
Personally, I prefer women with women's sense of humors...:)
I want to check it out but it keeps leading me to Yahoo personal. I think millionairematch.com is much more user friendly.
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