As some of you know, my life has been consumed by wedding planning. But I try not to really talk about it, unless it relates to something more how Meddlesome and I saw Amanda Peet

Anyway, Amanda Peet was super cute in her casual yet you know it was designer expensive "weekend garb" of white long-sleeved tee with magenta linen-like pants and of course, flip flops. And if you don't watch Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, I'll mention for your benefit, that she's probably 7 months pregnant. But of course, she's all belly. Even with her belly, I think she's thinner than me.
So Amanda and her hubby leave, Meddlesome and I stuff our faces with evil carbs and then walk across the street to B2V salon for my trial make-up application. If you're reading this Mihm or Wendy, yes that explains why I had crazy eye make-up on at 10am for Sunday morning breakfast at Le Pain. Did you notice my extra-long fake eyelashes too? I couldn't bear to wash off the make-up yet since I paid an arm & leg for it and didn't even go out to dinner sporting my ridiculous Hong-Kong actress face paint. I think the best part about the experience was witnessing the 40 year-old Jake Gyllenhaal hair stylist look-alike primping himself. For an hour, Meddlesome and I just sat their watching in puzzlement at wannabe Jake blow-drying his chin. It was the weirdest thing ever. So I finally had to ask the make-up artist what was up with that guy? Well apparently he's getting gray in his beard, so he applied some sort of coloring lotion on it but the color wasn't coming in fast enough for him so he was heat activating it with the blow-dryer. Who does that?!?!
Anyway, keep tuned for more star sightings. I may retell some oldies but goodies.
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