So imagine my dismay when I find out they are none other than freakin' dried cranberries!!! As a marketer, I should praise them for their ingenious way of duping consumers to pay double the price for a product that is as old as Thanksgiving. However this is one of those times when being a marketer and a civilian are in conflict. I am so offended by Craisins that I might have to start a boycott petition.

Fro Yo and W suggested I share my Craisin gripe with the blogging community, so I dedicate this gripey post to them.
when craisins came out i was excited because i love cranberries. i bought a twopack of giant bags at costco (or price club as it was known at the time)
awful! they're disgusting. i'd rather eat raisins. and i don't like raisins.
Since raisins are dried grapes wouldn't your dream hybrid product really be a cross between cranberries and grapes that is then dried? Oh wait...a cranberry grape cross would be probably be called "crapes." Imagine the rant you would have on a fruit product called "dried crapes."
Regardless, Craisins rule and get used to it. They are here to stay. Long live Craisins!
I absolutely love Craisins. I can't get enough. I'm eating them right now. I turn the bag up and pour them in my mouth by the mouthful. I just ate some on my salad earlier today. I have a bag at home and a bag in my desk at work at all times. I may even start keeping a bag in my car.
And that is why they are still on the market.
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