Monday, November 20, 2006

Night at the Improv

Are comedy clubs considered cheesy? If so, I think I have been oblivious to this fact. I went to the Hollywood Improv last Thursday, which is another post altogether. Somebody should have warned me that as a thirty-something year old I should not be going out on a weeknight. I was dying at work the next morning. Anyway, back to the comedy club...I went because I got free tickets. I only go when I have comps but they still get you on the two item minimum requirement but I'm okay with that as long as I don't have to pay a cover. God, I sound like I'm rationalizing why I go to comedy clubs...I actually go because I enjoy stand-up immensely. I even own a Gary Gulman CD that I've listened to in my car. Apparently when I told my friend she thought it was really weird. I guess that goes along with people who think comedy clubs are cheesy. I seriously had no idea that there are people out there that think that.

Btw, Michael Richards aka Kramer from Seinfeld was one of the comedians. He totally stunk it up!!!! I am still in shock at how unfunny he was. But I LOVE John Heffron - if you have a chance to see him in your neighborhood, you should - especially if you are a thirty something year old. The headliner was Joe Rogan, Mr. Fear Factor host. He is crazy raunchy.

Anyway, sorry for being so delinquent on my blogging. My cousin gave me a stern talk about my obligation to be a consistent blogger. I will try to live up to her high expectations.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Good experience at R-Mine Bridal Salon in Studio City

Just wanted to give praise where it's due. I read some bad reviews on Citysearch about R-Mine Bridal Couture so I wanted to share a good review. I have gone to the store twice now and each time, the bridal consultant has been very pleasant and helpful. Bella helped me the first time and Nicolletta helped the second time. Nicolletta even picked out a dress that I hadn't seen that looked pretty nice so that she earned big bonus points for that. They have pretty reasonable prices and they do keep the designer labels in their dresses so you know who's gown you're trying on. The dressing rooms are spacious and clean and I didn't feel pressed for time at all. Overall great experience and would recommend this place if you live in SoCal. However I haven't bought a dress there so I can't speak to the contract which seems to be what a lot of the complaints are about on Citysearch but they seemed so helpful, I'd be really disappointed if they did end up screwing you over after you bought the dress. Also I only went to the Studio City location which I think is considered their higher end store. I don't know what the Glendale location is like.